New Members of the Group

We welcome the new MS & Bsc thesis, and semester project students for 2022 spring semester in our group!

Dominic Inauen will do his MS thesis about Earth-formation together with BSc thesis student Faveo Hoerold. Semester project student Jonas Kruip will work on visualization of hydrodynamic simulations with pyVista. Blanca Crazzolara and Marianna Szambelan is going to add a new equation-of-state (including hydrogen dissociation and ionization) into our JUPITER code during their semester projects.

Sales Indergand will work on the variability of circumplanetary disks during his semester project, while Joel Vonarburg will work on how gas & dust passing through the large cavity in one of the famous planet-forming disk. Sebastiano Covone will update our the moon-formation-model, including compositional aspects. Very warm welcome to all of them!

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